
Celebration of my 2nd sis birthday~
i think it is the very first time i celebrate with her since she go out work so long ored

actually tat day quite no mood
but i manage to control myself n dint blow the happiness which r very need in that day

 HAHA...MY Sis look so tiny n childish

v had the ceebration at pavilion ben's restaurant~
the food r quite nice:)

Last but least,wish her enjoy her big day n oways happy~

我一直以为 我不会那么想家的
家 就是会给你一些特别的感觉
他们 永远会在
不过 你做了什么 对的错的
他们都会等着 你的归来

我记得 上天 我回去时
我妈妈 高兴的样子

抱歉 我不是个好孩子
总是 用着恶略的语气 讨人厌 的态度

我想起 小时候的我 像个跟屁虫
妈咪去到那 我就会跟到那
晚上 会转进爸爸妈妈的中间睡
妈咪 去做工了
我一直追着 teksi跑 一边挥手
到最后 我还是跟着妈咪一起去做工

妈咪 应该很想念那时候
会让你感觉 非常的好

虽然 他们可能不会去 我的毕业典礼
希望 我的毕业典礼 是开开心心的



so damn ........
sick again
now is i hate t most d flu!!
sick plz go away la..
im normally very strong one:(


把心 打开点
也许 看到的事物


lalalalala sing a happy song

Hometown,im going bac soon:D


说真的 有时候 我很想笑我自己的天真

So this is the feel which sing alone in the midnight

sound sad n hopeless

i had c many thing clearly
argh,y some ppl can be so bad ei har?
i still stick to who i was

keep telling myself everything gona be alright

SERIOUSLY IT JUST the begining of october!
but OCTOBER seem liike not good to me:'(


im kinda like this natural look of me:)
i hav been at kl for about 3 week
seriously i really think this 3 week been very rough for me
everything going not well n sad

im seriously miss penang
miss the food n miss the moment hang out with frnd n miss t time spend with dear

first,im sick n cough for more than 1 week since i at kl
it been a long time for me to sick like that
very suffer n oways feel headache

then school assignment oways no ppl same group with us
just left some which ppl dunwan or dont even which class who is it d ppl
lecturer r u SIAO!!!
THEN other assignment pula had to same group with t ppl which not same class with us
time arrangement r quite dificult since hav diferent time of class

Then i wan attend for my convocation
n my mum dont let me go n say waste money n say my sista din go before
it quite sad for me
cus i hav so many close frnd n wanted to hav such great moment with them
i gona pay off t fee for myself to go for convo
reall sad about this matter:(

Next today my sis housemate hav been ask my sis about is it i gona stay at my sis place?
n how long i gona stay at here
they seem like dunwan i stay here due to im student n they all r working oredi
then mention about t line fee la,refrigerator fee blabalabal
actually i serious feel sad
cus im apart from my frnd oredi is a tough decision for me
 actually i quite alone in the house soince most of time i spend with myself only
lonely in the nite oways make me think a lot lur

n i reallly dunwan let ppl 难做
seem like im really trouble tiok my sista


hello,octOber plz be nice to me:(